Gifted and Talented
MRHS recognizes its responsibility to identify gifted and talented students within the school district and to provide these students with appropriate instructional adaptations and services (see Gifted and Talented Policy 2464 below). To that end, the Board directs each such student in the school district be identified and offered an appropriate educational program and services.
"Gifted and talented students” mean students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. "Instructional adaptation” means an adjustment or modification to instruction enabling a student who is gifted and talented to participate in, benefit from, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in one or more content areas at the instructional level of the student, not just the student’s grade level. In order to meet these needs, MRHS offers a robust Honors and Advanced Placement program of course offerings in which students may participate as well as possible acceleration in regular programming, if applicable (see Course of Studies below). Teachers work closely with School Counselors and Supervisors to identify students who demonstrate high levels of ability and make recommendations based upon a holistic assessment of a child's progress and skills (see Advanced Placement (AP) Holistic Rubric below). MRHS also offers a Gifted and Talented co-curricular program that any student may participate in after school hours but is also made directly available to students identified as demonstrating high levels of ability when compared to their chronological peers.
The parent of any student identified as gifted or talented shall be consulted regarding any program designed to address the student’s particular needs. An individual who believes the district has not complied with Gifted and Talented Policy 2464 may file a complaint by contacting the Supervisor of School Counseling Services directly. The current Supervisor of School Counseling Services is Jonathan Banta who can be reached at [email protected] or 973-389-2861. School Counselors and Mr. Banta may be contacted regarding any/all information related to services for gifted students.
"Gifted and talented students” mean students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. "Instructional adaptation” means an adjustment or modification to instruction enabling a student who is gifted and talented to participate in, benefit from, and demonstrate knowledge and application of the New Jersey Student Learning Standards in one or more content areas at the instructional level of the student, not just the student’s grade level. In order to meet these needs, MRHS offers a robust Honors and Advanced Placement program of course offerings in which students may participate as well as possible acceleration in regular programming, if applicable (see Course of Studies below). Teachers work closely with School Counselors and Supervisors to identify students who demonstrate high levels of ability and make recommendations based upon a holistic assessment of a child's progress and skills (see Advanced Placement (AP) Holistic Rubric below). MRHS also offers a Gifted and Talented co-curricular program that any student may participate in after school hours but is also made directly available to students identified as demonstrating high levels of ability when compared to their chronological peers.
The parent of any student identified as gifted or talented shall be consulted regarding any program designed to address the student’s particular needs. An individual who believes the district has not complied with Gifted and Talented Policy 2464 may file a complaint by contacting the Supervisor of School Counseling Services directly. The current Supervisor of School Counseling Services is Jonathan Banta who can be reached at [email protected] or 973-389-2861. School Counselors and Mr. Banta may be contacted regarding any/all information related to services for gifted students.