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Superintendent John Coviello

Superintendent's Message
Dear Falcon Family, 

It is with incredible excitement that I inform you that I have been appointed to be the new Superintendent of the PC Manchester Regional High School District. I am incredibly thankful for the opportunity and promise to take care of our Falcon Family and serve our communities with pride each and every day. That said, I am confident that our new Acting Principal, Mr. Ercolani will continue to lead the school, staff, and students toward new accomplishments, partnerships, and the best experience possible for our children. He will be connecting with you in various ways as the 2024-2025 school year gets underway in the coming days. 
“Education’s purpose is to replace an empty mind with an open one” –Malcolm Forbes. With that being said, please continue to keep an open mind as we enter a new school year that offers endless opportunities and some awe inspiring improvements. I will keep our communities informed in the coming weeks but know that these current construction projects will be coming to completion this fall: 
- Installation of our new elevator! 
- Installation of a full HVAC system including the student cafeteria! 
- Full renovation of our entire performing arts wing including classrooms, bathrooms, recording studio space, and our auditorium with state of the art technology that will rival or surpass any comprehensive high school in the state! 

Our team will remain devoted to providing your children and our families the best school facilities and programming possible to ensure that our students receive a state of art education today to tackle the careers and challenges of tomorrow. 
2024-2025 promises to be another exciting year of learning, fun, and excitement for our Falcons. I will continue to do everything in my power to help them soar. Have a great school year! 

John Coviello
Manchester Regional High School

Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow


MRHS Main Website Video

Principal John Coviello

Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Guardians,
The 2023-2024 school year has arrived!  A year that will usher in new opportunities for learning, growth, and making new friends.  Remember, our school offers every opportunity for your child to follow his/her dreams.  Please encourage him/her to take advantage of our programs, classes, and most importantly, to try new things!  It continues to be a great time to be at Manchester and I remain incredibly proud to be the Principal of a school that never stops finding ways to offer you and your child the best experience in the state. I am thankful for your partnership and appreciate you and your child in every way.  That said, please reach out to me at any time in English or Spanish if you have any questions, needs, or concerns at [email protected]
As always, I urge you to keep participating in your child's education in any way that you can. Partner with us to enjoy our wide array of co-curricular activities and support your child in her/his academic endeavors.  Working together I know we will continue to offer your child the best experience possible! 
Thank you for your time and partnership! 
John Coviello
Manchester Regional High School
“The secret of education is respecting the pupil.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson
                                                                   "Learners Today, Leaders Tomorrow!"