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The English Language Arts department at Manchester Regional High School places a strong focus on the developing reading, writing, and communication skills that will best prepare our students for college and career readiness.  Each grade level will take students 5 thematic units which focus around core novels and teacher selected supplemental resources.


For our ambitious and high achieving learners Manchester provides English Honors sections for grades nine, and ten.  Manchester has had a strong partnership with the Passaic County Community College and our grade eleven students have the option of taking a college level English Comp class at Manchester.  Upon successful completion of this course, Manchester students will earn three college credits through PCCC.  Our grade eleven and twelve students may elect to enroll in one of our A.P. English classes.(AP Literature or AP Language)  Students that score highly on the A.P. English exam may be eligible to earn college credits. 


Aside from our traditional language arts classes, it should be noted that we seek to provide a broad scope of electives with which our students can further develop their reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills.  Our department offers Dramatic Arts, Journalism, Public Speaking, Creative Writing and Podcasting classes.  Students can further augment their test preparation skills by signing up for a full semester SAT class that we offer within our English master schedule.

Supervisor - Mr. Jonathan Banta
Courses Offered
English 1
English 1 Honors
English 2
English 2 Honors
English 3
English 3 Honors
English 4
Senior Symposium
AP Literature
AP Language
Creative Writing & Podcasting
Public Speaking
Dramatic Arts
SAT Prep