
                  Manchester Cheerleading 
                   Go Falcons!!!
Here you will find information about the team, and how you can participate in upcoming seasons.
Cheerleading at Manchester consists of two seasons, Fall and Winter/ Competition. In order for students to participate in either season they must complete a physical and be cleared by the Manchester nurse before the start of tryouts and the season.
Tryouts are held in June for MRHS Students and August for incoming freshman for Fall Cheerleading and in November for Winter Cheerleading. 
 All students must tryout for the team both seasons except for captains. 
You must do the following below: 
Make sure to have your physical updated in order to tryout! By August 10th the latest (You can find the physical on the School website under Athletics or the School nurses page. Also remember your doctor and the school doctor must sign it) Nurses email: [email protected]
Join the Google Classroom for more information and updates..
Code: vhuenir 
During the school year practices are held Monday- Friday 3-5
For any additional information please contact the cheerleading advisor Ms. DeLuca via email at [email protected]