Board of Education » Board Member Bio - Liza Amezquita

Board Member Bio - Liza Amezquita

Liza AmezquitaLiza Amezquita

Liza Amezquita is an alum from Manchester Regional High School, class of 1999. Some of the happiest times of her childhood were during high school attending Manchester activities like Project Graduation, playing on the volleyball team, stage managing Manchester’s theatrical productions and participating in the ever so popular Powder Puff game on the football field.  Liza was so positively impacted by the education she received at Manchester that she sought an opportunity to give back to the community that nurtured and fostered her education as soon as she was eligible to run for a board seat.  Liza’s focus is to make a positive impact to the community and make Manchester the number one high school choice for all Prospect Park, Haledon, and North Haledon students.


Liza holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theatre Arts from Rutgers University, a Masters of Business Administration Degree from St. Peter’s University, and a Market Research Expert Certification from International Institute for Procurement & Market Research.  She serves as a Customer Experience expert in her professional life and looks forward to bringing her strategic and human-focused skillset to helping the Manchester Board of Education make data-informed and thoughtful decisions that will positively impact Manchester students and their families.


In Liza’s free time, she enjoys giving back to the North Haledon community by participating in local activities, especially through running and volunteering for events for the North Haledon PTO and Manchester Junior Falcons.  Liza also facilitates Personal Branding and Customer Experience trainings to college students where her goal is to drive passion, build confidence, and provide support to our future leaders of the world.